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Message from our Principal

Welcome to Grass Valley Elementary!

Grass Valley Elementary School is located in the Grass Valley neighborhood of the Oakland Hills, near the Oakland Zoo. Grass Valley  is diligently developing strengths in all academic areas, with a focus on supporting our students in developing the skills needed to be change agents in their community and the world at large. We have launched a successful literacy program, rooted in the science of reading with a focus on developing phonics and phonemic awareness to promote students' reading with fluency and automaticity, alongside developing their comprehension with exposure to a wide range of literature and development of close reading skills. Our math program focuses on developing fluency and number sense, with equal time spent on developing both conceptual and procedural knowledge. 

All students work on chromebooks daily to develop 21st century skills and access learning at their zone of proximal development. We have a MakerSpace, the Wonder Workshop, and all of our classes participate in Maker Centered Learning expeditions to develop students' understanding of social justice, as well as critical thinking and problem solving skills.

On campus, students can enjoy our large outdoor play area which includes: 2 play structures, outdoor classroom space, garden beds, basketball and four square courts. We also have an upper field with an area to run track, play basketball, and grass that is great for soccer, football, or just being a kid!  Our school garden is a certified Monarch Sanctuary, and provides daily opportunities for our students to learn about the science of plants and healthy foods.


Casey Beckner